How far can I move a house?
Long distance moves are pricey and can compromise the structure of an old house. Unless you are prepared to undertake a complete dismantling and numbering of the structure for reassembly, we ask that your new site be within 100 miles of its current location.
How much does it cost to move a house?
Cost is very dependent upon two factors: accessibility and distance. A house that is easy to access with a comfortable crawl space will typically be less costly to move. Longer distances will require more permits and these add to the overall expense.
Does a house move in one piece?
Nope! Rarely can a house be moved without dismantling to some degree. To be readied for relocation of any distance, the house must be divided into sections and the roof removed to meet height restrictions while in transit. The house is reassembled on site and the roof reconstructed. *It is important to have full plans and measurements prior to dismantling.*
What is the condition of the electrical systems and plumbing?
All systems must be replaced once the house is relocated so the existing condition of these systems is inconsequential.
How long does it take to move a house?
Relocation requires a lot of planning. Anticipate approximately one month to prepare the structures for relocation and at least on months to acquire the necessary permits. The timeline for the move will be established by the current owners of the property.
What are the dimensions of this house?
The footprint of the house measures approximately 38' wide x 25' deep with a rear wing measuring approximately 21' wide x 27' deep and the height is approximately 35'.
How do I acquire an SOH house?
Easy! Once you have done your due diligence, have acquired your new building site, have an agreed upon quote for the relocation from your house mover, and know that this is the one for you: an agreement must be submitted in writing (to be followed by legally binding documents) committing to the relocation and acknowledging the following:
The Removal Period (timeline) to be agreed upon by the property owner
Agreement to remove the structure prior to an agreed upon date
All necessary permits shall be in place prior to the agreed upon relocation date
The structure shall be restored or rehabilitated and shall not be used for
architectural salvage of any kind. All work must, at a minimum, comply with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. In other words, please restore the wonderful original wood windows and siding, respect all of those materials and details that make this house an "old house", and NO dismantling for parts!
The agreement shall include:
An agreement with a house mover to relocate the house, including
an accepted quote for the relocation and acknowledgement of the Removal Period.
A specified site for the relocation and documentation of ownership or pending acquisition
Proof of Funds
A Rehabilitation Plan that outlines the work to be completed once the building is reassembled. Plans are a plus!
A nominal security deposit TBD must be provided to the property
owner. This deposit is refundable and shall be returned upon complete
removal of the structure from the site. We have one opportunity to save
these houses and the deposit is requested only to ensure the genuine intent
of the “buyer”.
* In the event of "multiple offer" situation, those offers to relocate the house within its original neighborhood, town, or region shall first be considered.